The EMPATIA project is composed of a multidisciplinary consortium of partners with extended expertise in PB research, ICT integration, ICT tools for PB processes, traditional and ICT-based participatory and voting processes, evaluating technological and societal impact, and implementers of PB processes in diverse communities of users.

Paolo’s research explores the diffusion and impact of governance and social innovations aimed at deepening democracy in public administration, parties and organisations. Paolo’s recent work has been published in News, Media and Society, Political Science and Politics, the Journal of Information Technology and Politics, and Foreign Affairs. More information is available on Paolo’s website.

From 2016 to 2017, she worked as a researcher at the European project EMPATIA - Enabling Multichannel Participation Trough ICT Adaptations, funded by H2020.
Since 2015, she collaborates with the Executive Agency for Research (European Commission) as an independent expert.
She is a PhD student at the program ``Sociology - Cities and Urban Cultures`` from Centre for Social Studies, in partnership with the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (Portugal). Her thesis focus on participation in urban governance, in issues of sustainability and culture under a comparative approach between Portuguese and Canadian cities, with research grants from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the International Council for Canadian Studies and, more recently, from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
Her professional experience is mainly related to local planning in environmental, territorial, cultural, educational and sports planning, having held technical functions in a municipality where she coordinated, collaborated and developed various plans and projects between 2001 and 2012. She also worked in a museum in projects related with tangible and intangible heritage and in integrating sustainability in cultural projects between 2010 and 2012. She collaborated in a Portuguese NGO on public engagement in the thematics of heritage and territorial planning in 2009-2010.
Portuguese, graduated in Geography, with specialization in Environmental Studies at University of Coimbra (Portugal), with specialization in Environmental Impact Studies at University of Murcia (Spain) and Master in Territorial and Environmental Planning at the New University of Lisbon (Portugal).
EMPATIA brought together an array of organizations, cities, activists, practitioners, and experts into a community interested in participatory systems. Within the EMPATIA community, we focus on studying, understanding, planning, and designing innovative solutions aimed at promoting better participatory processes, with a particular focus on Participatory Budgeting.
The EMPATIA project has partnered with a number of different cities – from small towns to large capitals – interested in implementing new or improving existing participatory systems.
Main Pilots
EMPATIA’s Scientific and Ethics Advisory Board (SEAB) is composed by a core group of scholars, researchers and professionals with an extensive experience on participation. The SEAB oversees the production of scientific knowledge within EMPATIA and dissemination of results. Most importantly, the SEAB monitors the consistent compliance with ethical practices and guidelines established within EMPATIA project.
Members of the SEAB
Archon Fung | Ford Foundation Professor of Democracy and Citizenship – John F. Kennedy School of Government Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation |
Audrey Tang | Civic Hacker at, and Minister of digitalization in Taiwan National government |
Brian Wampler | Professor at Department of Political Science, Boise State University |
Carole Pateman | Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Political Science, University of California |
David Howarth | Department of Politics and International Studies (POLIS), University of Cambridge |
Giampaolo Baiocchi | Associate Professor of Individualized Studies and Sociology; Director of the Urban Democracy Lab, Gallatin School, New York University |
Graham Smith | Professor of Politics / Research Director Centre for the Study of Democracy, University of Westminster |
Héloïse Nez | Maître de conférences en sociologie à l’Univer-sité de Tours |
Ilaria Casillo | Maitresse de Conferences – Paris Est – marne la Vallee, and Vice-Président Of the Commission Nationale du Débat Public (CNDP) |
Janette Hartz-Karp | Professor at Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute |
Leonardo Avritzer | Professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG, Brazil) and President of the Brazilian Association of Political Sciences |
Matt Leighninger | Vice President of Public Engagement & Director of the Yankelovich Center for Public Judgement |
Norbert Kersting | Chair for Comparative Politics. Local and Regional Governance. University of Muenster |
Oana Almasan | Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Communication and Public Relation of National University for Political Sciences and Public Administration (Romania) |
Patricia García Leiva | Professor at Department of Social Psychology, Social Anthropology, Social Work and Social Services – University of Malaga |
Patrizia Nanz | Professor at the University of Bremen and head of the research area „Culture of Participation“ at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities (KWI). |
Tiago Peixoto | Team Leader Digital Engagement Unit, The World Bank |
Yves Cabannes | Emeritus Professor in Development Planning at DPU – University College of London |
Yves Sintomer | Professeur de science politique, chercheur au CSU-CRESPPA CNRS/ Université Paris-Lumières |
Empatia Events
2016-01-21 EMPATIA National Workshop – Portugal
2016-01-22 EMPATIA first international seminar
2016-02-24 EMPATIA National Workshop – Italy
2016-03-04 Workshop Fork the Government (A.Tang)
2016-05-02 EMPATIA Workshop Gamification and others perverse pleasure circuits (Carlo, Milani)
2016-06-02 EMPATIA National Workshop in UK
20160609 EMPATIA Seminar: e-participation and e-democracy in Brazil (Ricardo Poppi)
2016-09-12 EMPATIA Wuppertal pilot focus group workshop
2016-09-26 EMPAVILLE session @ “Italia a 5 Stelle” M5S meeting
2016-11-29 Workshop with David Asher (former VP of product at Mozilla foundation)
2017-01-16 Empaville School Porto
2017-02-07 Empaville School Pereira
2017-02-08 Empaville School Caldas da Rainha
2017-02-09 Empaville School Águeda
2017-05-03 Los geht’s: Ab heute sammelt Wuppertal Ideen für das erste Bürgerbudget
2017-07-07 EMPATIA Wuppertal pilot citizen assembly
2017-12-05 Empaville School CES
Third Party Events
2016-01-13 CES vai a escola
2016-01-16 Forum Cidadania&Territorio
2016-02-19 European Commission Policy & Networking Meeting-Brussels
2016-02-21 Workshop on Participative Methods- Berlim
2016-02-26 Public Participation through ICT channels
2016-02-27 Lesson at the Training Course “Azione Locale Partecipata e Sviluppo Urbano Sostenible”
2016-03-03 Meeting in Bologna with the Chief of Cabinet of the Governor of Emilia Romagna Region
2016-03-14 Consultant under the framework of the Project DUPLA PAZ
2016-03-15 III National Conference of Portugal Participa
2016-04-05 Habitat III Thematic Meeting on Public Spaces in Barcelona
2016-04-07 CES goes to School (CES Vai à Escola)
2016-04-07 III Encontro Ibérico de Orçamentos Participativos
2016-04-12 International Conference of Portugal Participa
2016-04-19 Collaboration with the PB Municipality of Condeixa
2016-04-21 Brussels Conference (Netfutures)
2016-04-30 Participatory Budgeting at Almalaguês
2016-05-02 Audit in the VII Commission of the Municipal Council of Reggio Emilia in Italy
2016-05-04 XVI Conference of the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD)
2016-05-04 to 2016-05-06 The 6th Conference of Cumbre Social at Puerto Rico
2016-05-16 Belgrad – Lectures on new urban politics
2016-05-18 International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government 2016 (CeDEM16)
2016-05-20 4th International Conference on Participatory Budgeting in North America
2016-06-06 The first meeting of Participedia project
2016-06-12 Workshop about International experiences in Participatory Budgeting-Scotland
2016-06-15 to 2016-06-16 Workshop in Sevilha about Participation towards the radicalization of democracy
2016-06-17 NET-COMMONS Workshop in Barcelona
2016-06-21 Summer School at ICS Civil Society and Territory: Mobilization and Intervention
2016-06-27 Short Presenation for“Live Science” students
2016-06-28 Debate with Networking MEU RIO
2016-06-29 DSI4EU event in Brussels
2016-07-04 Science 2016- Meeting “Science and Technology in Portugal”
2016-07-07-Festival della Partecipazione Aquilla
2016-07-23 IPSA 2016
2016-09-10European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Prague
2016-09-19 Summer school in Olhão
2016-09-21-22 Conference on Participatory Budgeting & EMPAVILLE session
2016-10-07 II Participatory Forum in Águeda
2016-10-10 EMPATIA and the Rede Portugal Participa sign a new protocol in the European Local Democracy Week
2016-10-11 V World Summit of United Cities and Local Governments-(CGLU)
2016-10-16 Habitat III conference in Quito
2016-10-20 Participatory Budgeting Network-Edinburgh event
2016-10-27 Workshop CULT-COOP-01-2017: Democratic discourses and the rule of law
2016-11-18 Seminar on participatory democracy from Eastern partnership countries
2016-12-02 Seminars at the Brazilian Universities of Porto Seguro, Curitiba and Porto Alegre
2017-01-18 RAP Cascais
2017-01-23 Participatory Budgeting in Milan
2017-01-26 1res Rencontres de la participation à Bordeaux
2017-02-01 DSI Fair 2017
2017-02-09 Encontro Participativo Coimbra
2017-02-13 Citizens’ Dialogue Program
2017-02-22 Master of Public Administration – Internship Day – SDA Bocconi
2017-02-23 RAP Região Norte
2017-02-25 Empatia Alma Shopping
2017-0-228 Cape Town
2017-03-03 Cities Support Programme
2017-03-10 Lançamento do Portal da Participação Lisboa Participa
2017-03-13 22nd Breakfast at Sustainability’s (B@S)
2017-03-14 1st STEP Webinar
2017-03-15 EMPATIA @ M-ITI – HCI Research Institute in Madeira, Portugal
2017-03-16 RAP Madeira
2017-03-23 Digital Democracy Day
2017-03-29 Biennale Democrazia
2017-04-05 Les chemins buissonniers de la démocratie participative en Afrique
2017-04-06 RAP Região Sul
2017-04-20 Participatory Budgeting at the Boise Town Hall
2017-04-20 RAP Açores
2017-05-03 Orçamentos Participativos em Portugal e na Suécia
2017-05-11 Regional Conference on Public Participation in the Budget Process
2017-05-17 RAP Região Centro
2017-05-19 Master in Governance of Local Development Networks
2017-05-22 L’Europa apprende dal Sud: innovazione nei percorsi partecipativi di planning e cooperazione
2017-05-23 DSI Manifesto Workshop
2017-05-24 Forum PA 2017
20170525 Biennale Dello Spazio Pubblico
20170530 Milano Partecipa
20170531 Democracia participativa ciudadanía y nuevas tecnologías
20170608 Projetar a cidade com a comunidade: reflexões sobre processos participados
20170612 CÉRIUM-Participedia Summer School
20170615 CItizen Focus Cluster: Webinar on Participatory Budgeting
20170616 OIDP 2017 Conference
20170620 Triennale di Milano
20170626 C&T 2017 Technology for the Common Good
20170628 Data et démocratie – quels avenirs?
20170704 Forum for Local Democracy in Ukraine
20170706 Festival of Participation of l’Aquila
20170710 Seminário “Orçamentos Participativos em Portugal e na Rússia”
20170712 International Conference Democracy and Participation in the 21st Century
20170715 Festival “Jardins Efémeros” Viseu
20170721 Democracia Participativa e Inovação na Administração Pública
20170725 Meeting with the Colombian Network of Participatory Budgeting
20170904 First European Summer School on Solidarity Economy
20170906 ECPR Conference
20170909 Milano Accessibile con il Bilancio Partecipativo
20170914 Voting party Citizen Budget Wuppertal
20171004 Commonfare e innovazione sociale
20171011 EIP-SCC Citizen Focus Action Cluster Meeting
20171012 RAP Valongo
20171017 Bilancio Partecipativo 2017-18: come partecipare?
20171108 Seminário Laboppi
20171113 Scaling Up and Hybridizing Participatory Innovations
20171114 ACSIS 2017 – ACCOMPLISSH
20171117 Democratic Cities International Conference
20171123 Foro Internacional Hablemos de Presupuestos Participativos
20171127 Opening up to an ERA of Social Innovation
20171129 Stand-up for Democracy
20171129 The FOINCIDE project
20171202 Levica Party
20171206 EIP-SCC Marketplace Action Cluster ‘Citizen Focus’
20171213 Info Days of FCT
20171213 Online participation on the local level – a comparative perspective